What is Fdrill? And why would your company benefit from the fdrill process?
At Fdrill INC., as a company skilled in various engineering and machining methods, one of our goals is to ensure that our knowledge is passed on to our customers. We want them to have information about all manufacturing procedures available to produce their product, such as Fdrilling, that provides the most efficient and cost-effective way possible.
Fdrilling is a process by which the fdrill comes into contact with the material using relatively high axial pressure and rotational speed. The generated heat makes the material soft and malleable enough to be formed and perforated. As the fdrill pushes into the material, some of the displaced material forms a collar around the upper surface of the work piece. The remaining material forms a bushing in the lower surface of the piece, which happens within seconds. The resulting collar and bushing may be up to three times the original material thickness.
If companies are looking to manufacture a quality product efficiently and cost-effectively, they select the fdrill engineering process. According to Fdrill, this process is appropriate for “any application where the material thickness does not provide support for a threaded surface or a sleeve bearing application.”
There are many materials suited to the fdrill process which include: titanium, steel, stainless steel, brass, aluminum and copper.
While the form drilling process provides numerous benefits to companies, the most pertinent reasons for selecting Fdrilling include:
Produces stronger joints Involves fewer production steps Delivers cost-effective manufacturing Reduces material waste
This brief overview and demonstration video are provided for general information purposes to help you get familiar with the Fdrill process.
*Fdrill is a registered trademark of Fdrill, INC. This information was provided by http://www.apjinsu.com/.